The Punjab couple known for their "Kulhad Pizza" business has appealed for public support after a viral video allegedly showing them in a compromising position. They claim the video was part of an extortion attempt, which they refused to comply with. They reported the incident to the police and have requested privacy.
NEW DELHI: Punjab’s “Kulhad Pizza” couple, who recently got enmeshed in controversy after a video purportedly showing them in a compromised position went viral, has appealed for public support. Social Media fame Sehaj Arora and Gurpreet Kaur, parents of a newborn, have alleged that the viral video was part of an extortion bid that refused to comply. The duo have claimed the clip to be “morphed”. “You may have encountered a video featuring us, which is entirely fabricated. The video circulated due to an incident that occurred 15 days ago when we received an extortion threat on Instagram, along with the video in question,” Sehaj claimed in Punjabi on his official Instagram account on Thursday. “The wrongdoer threatened to make the video go viral if their demands were not met…We chose not to comply with the demand and reported the incident to the police,” he added.